Tuesday, December 1, 2009

NT Scan

Was excellent!!! I am still in shock! But all is well. The Nuchal fold measured 1.2 (1.0 is the smallest that they can measure) and there was a nasal bone & 3 vessels in the umbilical cord! We got several great pictures but since I have no scanner, the one I will post is not the best...I had to take a picture of the picture! My odds now for Trisomy 21 are 1:3200 and for Trisomy 13 and 18 they are 1:6000, as good as a 20 year old! AND>>>>>unofficially, looks like it might very well be a girl!


Jenny said...

Wonderful news!!! Time to rest easy! And what fun that it might be a girl! Will you find out the sex in January/February?!

Unknown said...

Congrats! that is awesome!!!

Karen and Shane Ellison said...

Jen- The big U/S to find out the gender SHOULD be around January 11th! They said I can do that at anytime between 18 and 20 weeks, so of course I am aiming for 18 weeks on the dot! LOL!

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