Saturday, November 28, 2009

11 weeks & 5 days

Wow! Almost out of the 1st trimester!! I cannot believe THAT! I am INCREDIBLY scared & nervous about Tuesday's NT Scan & bloodwork results (they should surely have my results in already that day since they took my blood on November 18th!) I am completely terrified...even as I now type about it I am beginning to feel light headed and sick. Breathe................

In other news, we went to Wal-Mart at 5am on Black Friday & scored an Ipod Touch PLUS a free $50 Itunes giftcard for Savannah. That is really all I wanted there. I thought I was also scoring two pairs of PJ's for Peyton at $3/each....but alas my bubble was burst when I got to the register & found out they were not on sale, they were their regular $9/each & that I had missed the $3 ones...they apparently were in a big pallet and were wrapped in plastic. Hmmmm.....maybe I will just stick with the attractive $9 ones.

I had to come back home yesterday evening so I could go work today & tomorrow...which reminds me, it is late & I swore I was going to bed early tonight. Not gonna happen I guess.....


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