Monday, March 2, 2009

Have been lazy.....

I have been so lazy the past few weeks, I have not posted a single thing! And I am sure some blog-worthy things have occured in our boring life....oh well. I will try to do some catch-up....My ten year old daughter now has a boyfriend...yikes....and wouldn't you know it, my 15 yr old decided to get herself one as well. Double yikes! The younger ones went on a movie date is a lovely picture of it that I forced them into posing for prior to leaving the house! Also, a cute picture of Marley the dog....she is now about 4 1/2 months old!


Unknown said...

oh my boyfriends! at least your younger dd was willing to pose for a picture! what movie did they go see? :-)

Karen and Shane Ellison said...

They saw "Mall Cop" older daughter & her friend went too & sat a few rows behind them & spied! LOL!

Unknown said...

hehe good thinking! i wont have a spy!:-(

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