Friday, February 18, 2011

Saturday's Surprise!

So, anyone who is a TTC veteran, knows all about I do not chart my temperatures (I don't take my temps!!!), but I do still chart when my period starts & when it ends and on which days we have sex! (-: This past month was a busy one...LOL...and well, we had sex on Cycle day 7 (one day after my period ended) & again on CD 12. Who would have ever guessed that I would get pregnant from sex on CD 12?! Although, since Isabella's birth, my cycles have been very regular...28 days, like clockwork, except for maybe twice...once last month when it was just 26 days and maybe once when it was 29 days. So, Thursday last week came & I fully expected my visitor to show up. She didn't. Friday passed, and nothing. Not really thinking much about this. Then Saturday at work...all day, I just KNEW my period would start. I kept checking. Nothing. But I had cramps. But then, the boobs started to hurt. That's when I thought "hmmmm....maybe I am pregnant" So, on the way home from work that night...on the eve of my birthday, I bought a 2 pack of pregnancy tests at Target. As soon as I got home, I did one. Assumed that it probably would be negative & my period would start 5 min later & I would have wasted $8! It was positive!!! I did take a picture of it with my camera phone, but it was kinda blurry, so the one above is from Monday I think! (-: Neeedless to say I was in complete shock!! But also excited & happy. I know most of the world thinks I am crazy...I will have FIVE kids. FIVE! And the 2 youngest will be 16 months apart! Maybe I am crazy! But all my life I have wanted a big I definitely have it! On Mondy, Valentine's day, I went to my OB thinking I would just have my blood drawn. However, they also did a manual exam. The Dr said everything felt and looked fine & that I was "already definitely growing". My Beta that day was 113.5. I went back Wednesday for a 2nd Beta...282. Today was the 3rd and finaal Beta....618! (-: My next appointment is on March 17th (St Patty's day!! Hopefully it will bring me lots of luck!), and I will be 9 weeks. (I am about 5 weeks 1 day today, based on LMP date) I pray that there is a strong HB at that appt!!! And then, most likely, NT scan a week or so later. Prayers & positive thoughts will be much appreciated!


someday-soon said...

So happy for you hon =) Love the onsie! I hope I'm as lucky with #2 but since AF hasn't visited yet I'm not holding my breath just yet.

Unknown said...

Unbelievable!!!! Congrats!!! What a wonderful Valentine surprise!

RELH said...

:) What great news!

Amie said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats, you don't need that FET after all!

Erin said...


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