Monday, August 24, 2009

Appointment tomorrow

Tomorrow morning is my hydrosonogram and mock transfer. I am hopeful that everything looks ok & also that the 31mm cyst I had a week ago is shrinking nicely. Afterall, I am on the birth control pill for now! If they find any polyps or other "obstructions" in my uterus, they may have to tend to those 1st (remove them) before we can do IVF...that would SUCK! The mock transfer is a piece of cake...they just measure your uterus & see how far they need to go in when they transfer the embryos in at the actual IVF. I also talked to the pharmacy today & my meds are ready....and the co=pay will be $170...not nearly as bad as I feared!!! And in other good friend Danna got her Beta back today after her August 10th IUI and she is preggers!! I am praying for her!!!! Ok, I leave you with a great picture of Tux and I!!!


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