Wednesday, April 6, 2011

NT Scan...updated with picture!

Today was our NT Scan. Much to my relief, everything looks great! We have a baby with a heartbeat (155bpm)! The Nuchal Fold measured 1.1, which is great. They had to re-do the bloodwork part of it today, because the baby measured 2 days smaller than they had thought (11w4d instead of 11w6d) So, the bloodwork that they drew 3 weeks ago couldn't be used. So, the FULL report won't be in until Friday or Monday, but it looks like all will be ok. My Dr didn't anticipate any problems. I will post a grainy U/S picture in a bit. Oh, and no guesses on the sex. The tech said it was way too early to tell. Maybe if I was 12w4d it would be easier to see...but all we saw was an umbilical cord.


RELH said...

Can't wait to see the u/s pic! What great news!

someday-soon said...

Great picture! Sorry they couldn't guess at the's always so fun finding out =) Won't be long now though...

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