Thursday, June 23, 2011


My husband lost his job on May 31st. So far, we have been managing, but we are starting to run low on money! I just checked his unemployment claim online & it looks like it has progressed, so maybe he will be getting paid now soon. I really hope so! Maybe at least this one thing will work out for us, because lately life has been crappy (and his unemployment was not even an issue!!) I picked up a night shift last night at work, so I am anxiously awaiting my NEXT paycheck that will have that $$ on it! LOL! In the meantime, I get paid tomorrow, so that next paycheck is 2 weeks away...ha ha....and tomorrow is when I pay the July mortgage payment, so after that we will be VERY tight on money. So I am hoping & praying that his unemployment will finally kick in. I am pretty proud that we have been surviving thus far! (-:


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you guys got hit by the crappy economy. I hope the unemployment claim goes through quickly for you guys, especially with another LO on the way!
P.S. first beta tomorrow, I think I'll join the closely spaced child bandwagon ;)

someday-soon said...

I'm so sorry {{{HUGS}}} I'll be keeping everything crossed that his unemployment comes through really soon.

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Ugh, what a sucky situation!! I hope your husband finds work soon and that you're able to make it all balance out in the meantime!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I sure hope it comes through for you. Or it already HAS, rather, since it's been a while since you posted. (((Hugs)))!

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